Leonid Dukhovny

Leonid Dukhovny Leonid Samojlovich Dukhovny was born on July 18, 1938 in Kiev (Ukraine). He graduated from the Moscow State Building Construction University (MISI), Department of Mechanics and University of Culture later on, where he specialized in producing. He immigrated to the USA in 1992. Currently he is living in San Francisco. Leonid started to write songs in 1956. As of now he wrote more than 200 songs, recorded CDs and tapes. One of the his first songs "A bez Podola Kiev nevozmozhen..." (1959) spreaded around the country and became a "folk song". This song can be heard in the restaurants and by the camp fire during the mountain climbing expeditions. He wrote songs using his own poetry as well as poetry of R. Berns, B. Stain, N. Karpov, and B. Fedorov. His opened and cheerful poetry is based on philosophy and optimism. Some of his songs are full of irony. Parody to Vladimir Vysotsky song translations is one of this. Actor Alexander Vilkov plays this song during performance of "U Nikitskih Vorot" theatre.
Leonid published research work related to bard-movement and lectured at Stanford University (Palo Alto, California). He performed many concert progams in former "homeland" as well as outside of the country. He is one of the founders of "Poluostrov" bard-club . Recently Leonid recorded last CD in the States. He called it "Lets talk...". This is a string from his first song written in immigration. Yu. Kukin wrote anotation to this CD:
"Ya nikogda ne zhil samoobmanom
I ne vershil velikie dela,
No esli ty poehal za tumanom,
To eto zna4it, - zhizn' ne zrya proshla!"


Songs in AU and RA formats
A bez Podola Kiev nevozmozhen, 3.43 min Lets talk, 3.07 min
Picture , 2.20 min Parody (to V. Vysotsky) , 2.58 min

Photo Gallery

October '97
Concert in San Francisco